A silent retreat is a very unique experience. When you tap into the soul of the land itself, you also connect into a deep sense of you. Silence awakens the primal essence of you.
I had intended on running this retreat over 3 days but the resounding feedback was could I try it for just one day. So after so much deliberation - I am going to run this one day silent retreat so that you can get a taster for inner and outer silence.
Here are 5 benefits of a silent retreat along with quotes from some of the famous teachers that have gone before us.
1. *Inner Peace*: "In the silence, you find your true self. It is in stillness that you can hear the whispers of your soul." Silent retreats offer a unique opportunity to disconnect from the noise of everyday life and reconnect with your inner peace.
2. *Enhanced Clarity*: "Silence is a source of great strength." — Lao Tzu. By stepping away from distractions, you can gain clarity and insight into your thoughts and feelings, allowing for better decision-making and problem-solving.
3. *Emotional Healing*: "The quieter you become, the more you can hear." — Ram Dass. Silence provides a space for emotional healing, helping you process feelings and experiences without the interruption of external influences.
4. *Mindfulness and Presence*: "Silence is the language of God, all else is poor translation." — Rumi. Engaging in a silent retreat cultivates mindfulness, allowing you to be fully present in the moment and appreciate the beauty of life around you.
5. *Creativity Boost*: "In silence, the mind can explore new ideas and perspectives." Many artists, writers, and thinkers find that periods of silence and solitude ignite their creativity, providing fertile ground for inspiration and innovation.
These insights highlight the transformative power of silence and the profound benefits that can arise from taking time away from the hustle and bustle of daily life.
Time to recharge the batteries in nature - plug back into where you came from
The retreat will start 9am and continue to Sunset. Tea coffee and food will be provided throughout the day. Food will be light but nourishing so that the digestive system also gets a time to heal and revitalise.
There will be a lot of time in nature. There is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing.
Bring lots of comfy clothes, changes of clothes incase you get wet, warm waterproofs, blankets, pillows and a yoga mat if you want to do any of the work lying down. Seats are provided for all meditations. All fitness levels are welcome as you move as much or as little as your body desire throughout the day.
If you have specific dietary requirements, please let us know when we send you out your information pack on directions and food requirements etc.
When: Sunday 20th October 2024
Where: County Antrim Location - Full directions will be sent with google map pins - close to Aldergrove Airport
Price £125 for full day retreat with all food and drinks provided.
Who is it for - Anyone wanting to remember who they are. Silent retreats are particularly powerful to create space within the heart to process any grief you are working through, shake any stuckness you may be feeling around an area of life or to re-energise the full body for the next push forward. There is lots of time for asking internal questions and to journal your answers if you enjoy that. Many a great goal was created and grown on a silent retreat. Equally, this is a space of non judgement. You do not have to do anything on this retreat except honour all parts of you and listen to your own inner wisdom.
From the moment you arrive, you will begin to realign physically, emotionally and spiritually as you allow yourself to slow down.