Some issues that tapping EFT is used for.

The basic technique used for BodyTap practices is EFT - this stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques. It is a very easy to use resource to help you deal with and manage your emotions. You tap on a series of points around the head and upper body called the Meridian Points.

Research data on the effectiveness of EFT Tapping.

Points and instructions below for a basic round of tapping.

EFT Tapping Point - Top of head

EFT Tapping Point

EFT Tapping Point 2 - Forehead close to the start of the eyebrows

EFT Tapping Point 3 - Under the Eye

EFT Tapping point 4 - Under the eye


EFT Tapping point 5 - Under Nose


EFT Tapping Point 6 - chin

EFT Tapping point 7 - collarbone

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