To join the next BodyTap Programme, click the “Reserve a place” button at the bottom of this page. Fill in the details and you will be taken to a PayPal link for £20. This covers the introductory session on week 1. After the first week, if you would like to continue on the full programme, you will be sent a PayPal link for £99 which will cover the following 7 weeks.
The programme will be run over a certain time schedule. It is best if you complete the full 8 week programme but missing one week does not mean you cannot continue onto the following week as each week deals with a new topic and tapping script. No refunds given for weeks you do not attend.
You will be provided with a pen and folder at the beginning of the programme. Please ensure you bring these along each week to store notes, scripts etc.
This programme is led by the front. There is time for discussion if you need help with any part of the programme.
Tapping may bring up emotional feelings.
Some weeks you may be asked to bring along a food source that you crave or you would like to crave.
Relaxation, mindfulness and breathing techniques will be included each week.