90 Day Program: Tap into your Ideal Body

Emotional eating or cravings for specific foods?
Negative self-talk or self-criticism related to your body or weight?
Fear or anxiety around exercise or physical activity?
Feeling overwhelmed or discouraged about weight loss progress?
Stressful or triggering situations that lead to overeating or binge eating?
Feeling powerless or out of control around food choices?
Guilt or shame related to past eating habits or behaviors?
Negative emotions related to body image or self-esteem?
Childhood experiences or trauma related to food or weight?
Lack of motivation or commitment to making healthy choices?

Tap into your Ideal Body starts on Thursday 20th of April 06.00am - 06.30am which runs daily for 90 days online via zoom. This 90 day program is developed using the latest evidence-based mind techniques and science.  As a weight loss program it  can be effective in creating lasting behavior change and helping individuals overcome deep-seated barriers to weight loss.


A study published in the European Journal of Social Psychology in 2009 found that on average, it takes 66 days to form a new habit, but the range was anywhere from 18 to 254 days. Also the ongoing accountability support increases the probability of goal accomplishment to 95% (Harkin et al.,2016)

While there is no definitive answer to how long it takes to change a habit, it is generally agreed upon that it takes consistent repetition over a period of time to establish new habits and behaviors. Therefore, a 90-day program can be a useful framework for creating sustainable lifestyle changes.

The subconscious mind is a powerful tool for creating sustainable changes in behavior and habits, including weight loss. Unlike the conscious mind, which is responsible for our rational thought and decision-making, the subconscious mind is responsible for our automatic thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.

Many of our habits and behaviors around food and weight are deeply ingrained in our subconscious minds, often developed over years of conditioning. These habits and behaviors can be difficult to change using willpower alone because they are deeply rooted in our subconscious.

By accessing the subconscious mind through techniques such as EFT Tapping, Resonance, Neurobiology of the mind and family constellation work, we can identify and address the underlying  factors that contribute to our weight struggles. These techniques can help reprogram the subconscious mind with new beliefs and behaviors, creating a foundation for long-term weight loss success.

Weight loss, weight gain, body image and body acceptance is individual to everyone. This program will help you work out where you are, who you are, where you would like to go, set goals and grow your confidence around being you.

My Personal Journey

Tap into your ideal body is a 90 day program of working daily on your self image, body image, food, fitness, body shape.   These two photographs are headshots taken with my make up on having a good time.  The top image was taken professionally at a wedding in 2011 and the bottom was taken on my iphone as a selfie.   As a culture, I am still considered too big.   To me, I can wake up in the morning now and look in the mirror and love that image.   I have been at this weight for quite a few years.  Unlike the many "diets" I had tried for 25 plus years which mean't a stone off then, 2 back on - I have maintained this smaller body and learnt to love it.    There are many great amazing teachers and specialists I have worked with as a client and as a student.  Starting on 20th April 2023 which is the new moon date, I will be hosting an online daily program for 90 days.  I will be live at 6am each day for 30 minutes and you would be very welcome to join me.  If you can't join in live, you will get a recording of the zoom call along with any paperwork required for that day and it will be available for you to catch up within the 24 hours.  This is all about showing up daily to work on your Ideal Body.    You will learn new tools, ideas, the latest reasearch, emotional language, and ancestral entanglements.

Research has shown that epigenetic modifications can be influenced by our ancestors' experiences and lifestyles, which can lead to genetic predispositions to obesity. This  program is designed to help you overcome these challenges by looking at ancestral entanglements and releasing these through ancestral healing.  During the program we will look at all the 5 body systems.  - The Physical, The Mental, The Emotional, The Spiritual and The Ancestral.

 Zoom numbers are limited, so if you feel this is the focus you need to work on yourself and are ready to commit to making a lasting change to your relationship with yourself and food, then book your place quickly.

The price has been set at only £90 which is £1 a day. This won’t be running again until the autumn, so allow yourself to enjoy yourself this summer by taking daily time for self care and self discovery.

Click the link below to book your first days slot, on 20th April at 6am. This will automatically sign you up for the 90 days. You can then pay by Paypal or Card through the link that you will be taken to. Message us if you have any questions.